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164: Airplane!



Tonight we covered one of our top spoof comedies, 1980's Airplane! A parody of a lot of the disaster movies from the 1970s, Airplane! involves food poisoning on a jet bound for Chicago that knocks out all the pilots. The only one who can land the plane is a former war pilot with severe PTSD from his flying days.  Despite being somewhat foggy on the jokes and having to ask our dad alottta questions, this was one of our favorite movies as children.  Chocked full of play on word type jokes, silly comedy, slapstick, and pop culture references that really informed our Sweetie sense of humor.  We love love Leslie Neilson in what was his first comedic role but - don't call me shirley- wouldn't be his last! HAHA. See what I did there? We'll go over our many favorite scenes, clear up some current Sweetie confusion, and talk about spoofs through the ages and some of our other favorites. Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue!