Large Marge Sent Us

Episode 151: Footloose



Guys, kick off your Sunday shoes! Oooo weee. We did Footloose, yippee! Despite this being a giant movie in terms of 80s awesomeness, neither Sweetie or Sweety has seen this movie all the way through. Whoopsie. But we feel like we have because it's that epic of a film! Starring Kevin Bacon as Ren McCormick, amateur gymnast and new kid in a small suffocating town that has outlawed music, dancing, and really anything fun, Footloose proves that when you ban something, it's a really bad idea and is just going to make people way worse off. Ren wins the hearts of many of the kids in town, warms up to the preacher's daughter Ariel, and tries to convince everyone, hey dancing isn't so bad after all! We'll chat about our favorite scenes aka games of tractor chicken and dancing in abandoned warehouses to let off some steam, talk about the kickass soundtrack filled with Bonnie Tyler and Kenny Loggins jams, and Sweetie realizes she's going through a Kevin Bacon Renaissance of sorts as she now thinks he's pretty great desp