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Episode 126: The Mask



Time for another Jim Carrey masterpiece! The Mask, from 1994, was one of Sweety's favorite movie as a wee lass! After Jim Carrey's successful turn in Ace Ventura, they guy was in demand, and let's be real, The Mask is a movie that was written basically for him with a plot that can basically be summed up as nice guy loser turns into cartoon faced zany man! The Mask was a great movie to watch on a lazy Sunday afternoon and honestly was a lot more funnier than both of us remembered! Sure, there are the cheesy tag lines, but there's also an adorable dog sidekick and Cameron Diaz as a sultry lounge singer. How can you not love? We'll chat about how much we love Jimmy Carrey and how much we miss him (Where'd ya go, Jimmy Carrey-o), how Sweetie might need to revise her list of dogs she most wants once her cat eats it, anddddd we'll chat about how annoying it is when someone starts a conga line but no one knows when the madness will stop!!