Large Marge Sent Us

Episode 87: Addams Family Values



Spooky Spookerson month continues with the spookiest family of them all and one of the better sequels to come out of the 90s, Addams Family Values! Our favorite macabre family is back in action, but this time Uncle Fester is lusting after the nanny, who turns out to be a homicidal maniac gold digger, the kids get shipped off to the summer camp from hell, they have a baby named Pubert (worst name ever!)?! Join us as we chat about our love for Joan Cusack, if Uncle Fester or Cousin It would be good in the sack, why Debbie picks a pumpkin colored bowl cut style for Fester's toupee, and whether or not we'd spend a night in the Addams' family creeptastic house!  Theme song performed by Deidre Cullen. Logo designed by Frankie Donlon. Follow us on Twitter @TheSweetieClub and on Instagram @LargeMargeSentUs