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Episode 74: Back to the Future Part II



This week we decided to leave the movie watching decision up to the fans and you picked: Back to the Future Part II! Released in 1989, the 2nd installment in Marty McFly's time traveling saga, takes us to the year 2015 and delivers the kind of futuristic excitement that only a movie made in the 80s could bring. And although we never got flying cars, auto-sizing clothes, power laces, OR a real hoverboard--we still love the sheer awesomeness that is an 80s version of 2015. Join us as we talk about the movie phenomena of kids looking exactly like their parents, how we were super spooked by the chaos strewn streets of the alternate 1985, and hear us exclaim about how we're basically stuck in an alternate version of 2017 right this very moment only instead of Biff running the world, we got Drumpf. So  put your lithium setting on high, we're going....forward in time! (And then back again) (and then back again again) Theme song performed by Deidre Cullen. Logo designed by Frankie Donlon. Follow us on Twitter @TheSwe