Large Marge Sent Us

Bonus Episode: Supermarket Sweep!



In the 90s, a time of economic prosperity and a budget surplus, was there a better game show out there than Supermarket Sweep? Couples with a better than average knowledge of how much a box of Bisquick costs would vie for the chance to race around a fake grocery store and pile their carts high with Pampers, hams, and expensive hair dye all in the hopes that their cart would be the most expensive so that they could go for the big $5,000 grand prize.  Maybe it was our secret dream of being grocery check out girls but the Sweeties loved this show! We watched a few episodes the other day and boy it has not lost its luster! Tune in as we chat about the peppier than usual host, what we determined  to be the best strategies, and how we have long term goals to create epic Supermarket Sweep Halloween costumes.  Somehow we also launched into a sing-along of the Gummi Bears theme song. YOU ARE WELCOME.  Theme song performed by Deidre Cullen. Logo designed by Frankie Donlon. Follow us on Twitter @TheSweetieClub and on In