Large Marge Sent Us

Bonus Episode: American Gladiators!



Continuing with our awesome Bonus Episode series, we watched an episode from everyone's favorite show about normal people vs. body builders.....AMERICAN GLADIATORS! Join us as we talk about our favorite Gladiators, how lame The Eliminator really was, and how all we ever wanted in life was to go to a live taping at Universal Studios but it just never happened! We'll also discuss some awesome 90s commercials (raper vans! chocolate milk! 79 cent Subway sandwiches!), lament about how bullshit it was that the female Gladiator uniforms gave them perma-wedges (and possibly nip slips) AND we determine who the hottest Gladiator of them all was (NITRO 4EVER). (Uhh Sweety here, what about LASER Sweetie?) Theme song performed by Deidre Cullen. Logo designed by Frankie Donlon. Follow us on Twitter @TheSweetieClub and on Instagram @LargeMargeSentUS