Large Marge Sent Us

Episode 32- Overboard



Seeing Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell trending in the news because they are the only Hollywood couple still together is sad AF, but it also reminded us of one of our very favorite movies--Overboard! Released in 1987, Overboard taught us that a housekeeper/slave can easily be obtained as long as you know that someone has a birthmark on their butt, and that ALL women intuitively know how to cook and clean (it just takes practice). OK OK, you're right we're being mean. Even though Overboard is slightly creepy plotwise, it still is one hilarious flick and we can't get enough. So grab your sequined wardrobe out of your oak closet (nay-- CEDAR!) and come get short fat and slutty with us! Logo designed by Frankie Donlon. Follow us on Twitter @TheSweetieClub and on Instagram LargeMargeSentUs