Fresh Tracks With Kelly Robbins

Philanthropy Revolution - Interview with Lisa Greer



In episode 88 of Fresh Tracks philanthropist Lisa Greer shares her journey from middle class entrepreneur to wealthy philanthropist. Excited with her family’s new wealth, Lisa was eager to generously give to causes important to her family. Lisa shares the surprising difficulties she had when wanting to donate to causes that hadn’t asked for it. Lisa shares, from a donor’s perspective, how to ask someone for money. We also explore how to receive it – many won’t. Lisa discovered that many fundraisers are uncomfortable talking about money and some wouldn’t take what she wanted to give – don’t let that be you! It starts with a conversation. It progresses with your passion. We discuss how to connect with people that have the means and the desire to give to causes they are passionate about – which may be yours. Gain insights into what people that donate are looking for when they give. Lisa shares ways to help potential donors realize if your organization meets their giving needs. Show Notes: 3:30 – Lisa’s story. H