Fresh Tracks With Kelly Robbins

Social Gravity and Harnessing the Natural Laws of Relationships



In this week’s episode of Fresh Tracks I speak with Jason Lauritsen about Social Gravity and the Natural Laws of Relationships. We start by discussing the role intentionality plays in relationships and how that is different than manipulation. There is great power in setting an intention when building new relationships and Jason shares with us how to set intentions and give us examples of good intentions vs bad intentions. Jason shares his number one way to build strong relationships as well as the number one mistake people make when meeting others that sabotages their ability to connect in an authentic way. The truth is that relationships develop one person at a time and taking the time to choose your relationships one by one, rather than accelerating it in a mass setting, is a key to achieving your goals in business and in life. Finally Jason discusses the concept of social capital, which is the value that we have access to in our lives because of the relationships we have with others. Show Notes: 5:35 – The