Fresh Tracks With Kelly Robbins

How 'Doing the Right Thing' is Undermining Your Success



Episode 28-- Kelly helps us see why and how doing things ‘the right way’ rather than ‘the right way for us’ is undermining our success. When we apply this pattern to business we end up with marketing that is technically correct but doesn’t work! In this week’s show Kelly reveals the five steps we all must be willing to take to break the bondages of years of training and conforming to ‘do the right thing’ and discover how to do what’s right for you.Do you have a corporate background? Your odds of doing the right thing have just increased tenfold! Years of approval by committee and legal departments have quickly sucked the creativity and uniqueness from your soul! Great news! You’ll also unlearn how to create from this space is all covered in this week’s show. Break this unwitnessed sabotaging pattern and begin to consistently attract the right clients to your door!Show notes:1:20 – Doing what’s right because we’re supposed to vs doing what’s right to you4:00 – Your instinct vs Your intellect8:34 – The number o