Fresh Tracks With Kelly Robbins

How to Stand out by Putting More of Your Personality In Your Business and Marketing



Episode 21- Therese shares her stories and insights into owning your own value, being confident and comfortable talking about what you do, and sharing your personality in your marketing. Therese’s humor shines in today’s show as she shares many of her own stories on how she has mastered love, business and making money. If you want to be successful in business, particularly if selling to women, you must allow your personality to shine. Yet, many of us are afraid to be vulnerable and share our true selves with our community.Therese shares five tips on how to be conscious of how you react to situations in order to become aware of how you are being in your relationship with money. Being a grown-up and becoming conscious of your thoughts, actions and reactions about receiving in life is important to making and keeping your profits. Therese also shares how to get in resonance with money and why overcoming your money blocks are key to making the money you desire. Show Notes3:30 – Owning your value, talking about wha