Fresh Tracks With Kelly Robbins

Selling More in Today's Economy



Episode 15 – Fresh Tracker Bob Burg, co-author of the international bestseller, The Go-Giver, talks about shifting your focus from “getting to giving”. He tells us the results are far from just nice…it’s also very financially profitable! When you can take your focus off yourself and shift it onto how you can be an asset of value to other people, you’ll plant seeds of goodwill — of great will — that will come back to you many, many times over. And, not because of some magical, mystical type of thinking, but because it makes absolutely practical sense.Are you wondering if this isn’t more feel-goody, new-agey stuff that doesn’t work in the real-world?” Or, even, “Sure, maybe when the economy is good, but now we have to fight for everything we get.” In other words, isn’t what he’s saying simply naive? Actually, not only is it not naive, it’s quite practical. And, again…for very concrete reasons that you’ll learn, benefit from, and most likely utilize for the rest of your life. Bob has built his business, and show