Chasing Dreams With Aimee J.

Ep. 200: Aimee J. – A Look Back at the Road to 200



It’s here! Episode 200! There are no words for the excitement I feel in reaching this milestone. Thank you for whatever part you’ve played in helping us get here, whether you’re a past guest, a faithful supporter, or a brand-new listener. I’m glad you’re on this journey with me! As we wrap up Season 2 and look toward a new season, there will be inevitable changes as we move forward. One of those will be incorporating bonus material from our Behind-the-Scenes interviews into each show to help you get to know each guest a little better. As a prelude to this change, I’m beginning today’s show by answering some sample questions. You’ll hear what I wished I had learned in school, the number one item on my bucket list, who I would choose for TIME magazine’s person of the year, and what idea of mine might make $1 million one day.  Speak up! Are you a “feedback” kind of person? So many people aren’t! They think that they are just one voice that can’t possibly make a difference, but that is SO wrong. The very fac