Chasing Dreams With Aimee J.

Ep. 194: L’areal – Manifest Your Mindset



How many times do you take the “glass half empty” approach? What would happen if you adopted an abundance mindset instead of dwelling on what you lack? Today’s guest drops truth bombs left and right about how your mindset affects your accomplishments. L’areal Lipkins is a success strategist, vision board extraordinaire, and author of the brand new book, A Woman With Vision: How to Fulfill the Goals and Dreams God Has Given You. After 10 years of doing sales training and consulting, L’areal left her corporate job to teach women how to elevate their mindset so they can actually execute their goals. An abundance mindset Do you love to play the victim? Unfortunately, our culture seems to give a sense of power in being the victim. When I play the victim, I can blame someone else, and I don’t have to take ownership of my actions, my results, and my life. L’areal says, “You can’t be the victim and win at the same time.” We all have a “before,” and L’areal teaches that we have to shift our mindset to get past that mo