Chasing Dreams With Aimee J.

Ep. 177: Jason Nothdurft – Giving Back as a Living Donor



What’s the greatest gift you can give to someone else? It’s a debatable subject, but what could possibly be more valuable to someone with kidney disease than to receive a kidney from a living donor? Today’s show introduces you to an amazing person with a truly amazing story. Jason Nothdurft is a friend of mine and a true superhero. He’s a married, 32-year-old police dispatcher with a 2-year-old puppy and his first child due in April. Jason donated his kidney in 2014, and has dedicated much of his free time to advocating on behalf of kidney patients and living organ donors. The saying is true: “Not all superheroes wear capes.” Jason is a remarkable person with a spirit of compassion and sacrifice, and I’m thrilled to share his journey of being an organ donor to highlight this important cause. Learning from mistakes What did you want to be as a kid? Police dispatcher is probably not a profession that many people aspire to, and even though it’s not a glamorous job, the dispatchers are the ultimate first responde