Create Your Magical Life Alana Sheeren

Get Comfortable with Conflict Without Compromising Yourself with Jennifer McCabe



How comfortable are you with conflict? If you’re like most people, you avoid it as much as possible and when you can’t avoid it any longer, you have coping mechanisms that might not serve you well. Regular conflict at home or in the workplace takes a toll on our overall wellbeing. The good news is that no matter how you feel about conflict now, you can learn to navigate it with confidence. My guest today is an expert on human behavior and leadership. Jennifer McCabe is the founder and CEO of Pluck With Purpose, which teaches relationship and leadership skills to professionals and nonprofits both online and in person. The core of Jennifer’s work is based on the Four Skills for Relationship Competency. Join us for this conversation about resolving conflict, that’s full of practical tips and examples.   What you’ll hear in this episode: The importance of learning to deal with conflict Jen’s HUGE vision Being at peace with what is coming at you Overview of the Four Skills for Relationship competency: Empathic