Create Your Magical Life Alana Sheeren

Replay: Straight Talk on Energy Healing & Intuition with Megan Potter



What is energy? (And I don’t mean what you remember from high school science!) How about intuition? Does EVERYONE have it? How do you use it in your daily life? Is it possible to stay grounded when life is a steady stream of curve balls? Can you really stay balanced amid the ups and downs? Today’s guest answers these questions beautifully. She also gives helpful tips about finding the right energy healer and how understanding the Chinese five elements can help you celebrate your strengths and find compassion for your weaknesses.  Meet Megan Potter, a writer, teacher, diviner, oracle, and Chinese Face reader. Megan describes herself as being devoted to expansion, growth and magic. Megan doesn’t just throw around buzzwords, she gives practical advice and simple explanations. She wants you to embrace yourself fully for who you are—without judgment.  You can find all the show notes at