Weekly Zohar Study

VaYak'hel – Pekudei 5781 (2021)



The political/health/crisis around the world, the war between good and evil, who is fighting? Where does the real war take place? Who determines victory? Who rules the world? How to be successful in spite of all the obstacles people put on your way? What is the secret of true 'Free Will'? Corruption vs. Biblical Values, who's going to win the oldest game on earth? What is the secret of true victory? The Parasha (Story) of VaYak'hel-Pekudei, after the Sin of The Golden Calf, it is time to learn how to grow and build our lives in spite of the imperfections around us. This Shabbat is called Shabbat HaHodesh since it is the Shabbat before the New Moon of Nisan (Aries). In addition to the Torah Reading of VaYak'hel-Pekudei, there is a reading from Exodus 12 about the Passover, starting with the first blessing of the New Moon of Aries, two weeks before the exodus. Now! When the world is still in a dangerous place of uncertainty, it is time to reflect and look inside. This is the time to ask: Who is the person that