Deer Hunt - Big Buck Registry - Fueled By Treestand Wingman

238 RICK BEBOUT - The Morgantown Urban Archers - A Blueprint for City Deer Hunting



When deer populations somewhere in Urban Town USA get out of control to the point where citizens complain about vegetation and landscape damage and an over abundance of deer-vehicles collisions, as a city government, what do you do? You could call a company like White Buffalo and have professional sharp shooters cull the herd, or perhaps go the steralization route like we witness on Staten Island. Orrrr, you could just do what bowhunters do best, hunt the deer with bow armed volunteer citizens in a organized, controlled, discreet manner. That’s exactly what the Rick Bebout and a group of 80 bowhunters did in Morgantown West Virginia. Backed by the support of the city, the Morgantown Urban Archers were formed. It brought meat to those in need, it effectively knocked down the deer numbers, and gained the trust and support of the residents of Morgantown, all on a extremely low budget, all based on the concept of letting skilled bowhunters do what they want to do naturally anyway. Makes sense to me.    OUR SPONSO