Owning Her Health Podcast

Are You Suffering from The Mother Daughter Complex? Part 1



Hello and Welcome to a Mother of an Episode in 26! Every woman I have ever helped or been in conversation with can relate to the challenge of being a woman who knew or never really got to know the inner thoughts and challenges of her mother. Every woman I have ever helped or been in conversation with can relate to the challenge of being a woman who knew or never really got to know the inner thoughts and challenges of her mother but did you know that contact set a blueprint for your entire health story?  In Part one... I open up the conversation to one of the most complicated health challenges of owning our health as a daughter or as the mother.  We often do not realize that our own health begins in utero and research is uncovering how our health begins with triggers upon our mothers and grandmothers and her grandmother generations before. Do you know the emotional health of your mother when you were conceived? When working with women in pain, Her story, intertwined with your does matter. This is an episode we