This Moved Me

250: What's Keeping You From Getting Clear on Your Talk Topic



Let’s say you’re a wellness coach… so you talk about wellness. Right? Well, not exactly. Finding your talk topic is one of those things that SOUNDS easy, but if you don’t have it clear enough in your head BEFORE you start writing - you can spend days - weeks - even MONTHS wandering around in the land of ... ‘what am I even doing?!”…   When you know you want to create a signature talk - The next step is knowing your talk topic. Which is not as easy as it sounds. So - on the show today I’m sharing with you three things that are getting in the way of you getting clear on your talk topic! - and what might help - including joining my 5-Day Jump-Start Your Talk Challenge over in the Move Your Audience Facebook Group! You can sign up at - and by the end of Friday, you’ll be able to clearly state your talk topic!