This Moved Me

246: Five Big Announcements



We've got some exciting things to share with you today! #1) We're now over on YouTube. That's right - this beloved podcast now might sound a little different while we bring you the audio feed of our new video show. I love showing up in your ears, and will continue to do so. But follow us over on YouTube to see my face while I share speaking tips, insights, interviews and inspiration.  Search for BeMoved by Sally Z on YouTube #2) We're opening up a new FREE Facebook Group, with the focus of offering you quick and actionable tips on how to Move Your Audience. Join us over there to get access to all kinds of awesome goodies, like Sally going live, 5-day challenges to get you up and moving, Talk Talk watch parties (not sure what that is?! - join us)! bemoved - dot - com- slash- move your audience   #3) One of the things we'll be doing over in that group is a 5-Day Jump Start Your Talk Challenge! We'll spend those five days making sure you're clear on your talk topic so that you're ready to jump into your next tal