This Moved Me

177: MMM - On Starting Your Talk With Perfection In Mind



In the last week, I’ve had several conversations with you about that moment when I’m asking you to stand up and give it a go… the moment when we’re trying this all on for size. All the words we’ve fussed over, the ideas we’ve thoughtfully and painstakingly clarified - dug deeper to to get it ‘just right’ - and then we’re at the moment where we’re putting it to the test. Taking it from theory to practice. And it feels like a big moment.    Just this week I’ve heard things like:  I’m feeling really vulnerable I’m nervous What if I hate this?  Ugh! I hate this!   And I know you don’t hate what we’ve created; you are simply afraid this work is not going to work.    I get it.    There’s no way to get to the other side without going through. And to get through, we have to get uncomfortable.    We have to… And I’m guessing you’ve heard this before… you have let go of the perfect presentation - the idea that’s in our heads and that we imagine for ourselves and that is making taking this step so darn hard.