This Moved Me

166: John Bucher - On Telling Your Story With Passion



John Bucher – a very difficult to define man of many talents (and he likes it that way) – spoke at the STORY Gathering in 2017, where I saw him share his passionate voice about story and myth. What was so great about that whole thing was that even BEFORE I saw him speak, he had volunteered to be my guinea pig speaker at my live coaching workshop. I mean… who does that? Believe me – that's a rare thing, to vulnerably walk into that space with a coach you've just met. Well, movers, that act connected me and John for life! What l learned about John from there is that that's just who he is: an uber-smart academic who digs into the biggest ideas that we humans want to tackle, and brings them to his audience in meaningful ways. Aside from being a speaker, he's an author, podcast host, and teacher… and probably a dozen other things. Passion is his super-power. And in today's episode we talked about all the big ideas… like you do when you're talking with John Bucher…. Enjoy!