This Moved Me

115: MMM - On Feedback, Part Two: Leggo Your Ego



We most often think of asking people who are receiving feedback to let go of their egos... See it as a gift... do not defend or explain yourself... Not getting defensive in the midst of receiving feedback can be a Herculean effort sometimes - depending on who is giving it. It is an incredibly human and vulnerable moment.   And here's the thing. It should be a vulnerable moment for the feedback giver, too.    (And, I personally think sometimes there's helpful information in the explanation if the person is truly open to what you're saying.)    Can you approach this conversation with curiosity? Without all the answers? interested in how the other person might be interested in solving the problems that you see or that you are experiencing? Assuming the other person's best interests are at the forefront?    And I know, I know - sometimes the other person's best interests AREN'T at the heart of things. I've been there. When I first started coaching, I was so focused on proving myself, I took the speaker down to sh