This Moved Me

099 – Kenya Pope – On Overcoming Our Fear of What’s Possible



I have done some writing recently about how important it is to get a handle on our internal mindset before we step out on stage. So it was so wonderful to talk with Kenya Pope – an author, speaker, artist and coach - whose mission is to help heart-centered entrepreneurs make money while they make a difference. To eradicate the “starving” artist notion! That is a worthy cause! And here's what I can tell you about Kenya: she has a beautiful spirit! In our brief time together, we connected through her artistry - her poetry, her singing, her stories. Clearly, Kenya knows how to make an impact. She is unabashedly "woo-woo" - and brings her fascinating and eccentric experience, world view, spirit and love with her in this conversation. It's "woo-woo" - and it's full of life. Enjoy! (A small warning for those who are sensitive about language: Kenya does use some spirited language a few times... nothing shocking (and I love her spirit!), but probs not for the kids' ears. Fair warning!)