This Moved Me

096: MMM - On the Speaker Mindset, Part One



Something that comes up time and time again in my coaching is the idea that this is an emotional journey as much as it is a skill journey. We can learn how to deliver better and differently; we can spend hours upon hours navigating and editing our content until it's lovely and perfect; we can make a killer and beautiful slide deck. But who are we when we step out on "stage"? Let me be clear: I am not a psychologist. Not even close. But I often help people with all the baggage that comes with us up on stage. And we do indeed bring all our baggage with us up on stage and into rehearsals! Fears, assumptions, myths, old adages and leftover 7th grade scars. Yay! It's all a part of us! Aside from doing the hard work of dealing with all of that - some of which is beyond my scope as an armchair psychologist/presentation coach, of course - Well, we can do our best to control the incredibly powerful thoughts that come into our minds.