This Moved Me

079: Kelly Fern - On Bringing Your Story To Life



Remember Joe Schmit, one of my guests from last season? Suuuuper nice guy - TV sports anchor - speaker and author? Well, he sent me an email (I love it when guests stay in touch!) and said to me, "You should have Kelly Fern on your show."  (If you know this show/know me, and think someone would be great for me to talk with, let me know!)  I thought, ok sure! And then I read her story. You guys, her story is incredible. It's the kind of story that you think is likely made up in some back room in Hollywood to sell tickets to movies - but no, this story is real. And for us as speakers and storytellers, there are so many important facets to bringing voice to our own experiences. So, Kelly - author, speaker - the subject of documentaries and interviews on radio and television - well,  we talked about how we can bring our stories to life - even difficult stories. Even stories that haven't been told before. Maybe even especially those stories.