This Moved Me

069: MMM - On the Laundry List



On this week's Mini Moved Me: There have been many times when I'm working with folks who want to share a long list of things with their audience. And I have to ask: Do you want them to remember every little thing on this list? Or, do you really want to communicate something about the list as a whole?   Most of the time, it's the latter. ("We're doing all kinds of things to market"; "We're making all these improvements"; "I see so many opportunities for growth," etc.) Which makes sense, right, cause audiences don't/can't remember too many details.    But even knowing that people won't remember the details, it's hard not to indulge in them. It feels responsible, somehow - like, we might not be giving the work the credit it deserves to fly through them.  But here's the deal: The audience won't remember details, but they do remember feelings.  Focusing on the whole of the list - and the feeling behind it - is called sharing  "the laundry list."   Ya know, throwing them all together into the laundry basket kind o