This Moved Me

060: Michael Veltri - On Becoming A Professional Speaker



Michael Veltri came to me through Nick Morgan (one of our sponsors of this show, a guest on This Moved Me, and an all-around great human) - and we originally recorded a conversation this past summer. But as you know if you've been following along with me, I had some technical issues this summer (understatement - ahem). And then I got a new computer. And I think the combo invited in some terrible karma or something, and I lost the recording with Michael. (I know, how does that happen?!) So, he was kind enough to sit down via Skype - again! - and I'm so glad we did! Michael is an executive coach, consultant, speaker, entrepreneur - and he brings his life experience - as a cancer survivor, an Aikido Master, a Marine - into all that he does. Plus, he's in the midst of some major growth in his speaking career, so we got to talk about lessons learned along the way. Enjoy!