This Moved Me

059: Mini Moved Me - Happy Anniversary!



HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO THIS MOVED ME! I love all excuses to celebrate! And this one is particularly special for me. One year ago today, I took a risk and jumped head first into this podcast thing. In many ways it was a selfish endeavor because I simply love talking about this stuff - and I love people - so it seemed like a fun little project. Well, this "fun little project" has turned into a twice-weekly gig that has become a big part of my life, and connected me with people from all over the world! I've spoken with huge TED speakers, budding amateurs who are about to go big time, and uber-talented artists and visionaries who all have brought insight and courage to this art of public speaking. I am so grateful. So–to celebrate–I've got some goodies for you, including this outtakes montage. Enjoy!