This Moved Me

056: Bob Tryanksi - On the Art of Storytelling



Several months back, my sister-in-law sent me a link to one of her neighbors down in Lawrence, KS. "He's a storyteller," she said. "He'd be great on your podcast." Hmmm, I thought. Checked out his website, did a little research. Yes, he certainly has the experience. So we exchanged some emails and kicked the ball down the field. We were both sure that at some point we'd record a conversation. Well, then we went down to visit my new (adorable, cutey, love them so much) niece and nephew, and they invited their storytelling neighbor over. And we talked for an hour. MAN, I wish I would have pulled out my phone and recorded that conversation because very quickly we went deep, and thoughtful, and dug into some big stuff. So I INSISTED that we record it officially and get this guy's thoughts on the show.   I convinced him. And today, you get to get a peek into Bob Tryanski's varied experience, insight, humor and thoughtfulness that he brings into his work as a speaker and storyteller.