This Moved Me

055: Mini Moved Me - On Shortcuts



I was working with a speaker who was under a really tight time crunch - and as this time crunch came down to the wire (and as he searched for extra time to make this talk happen amid many other demands in his life) - he kept asking me to take on certain aspects of the work. Now, there are a lot of things that we as coaches can do. Some research, lots of observation and note-giving, and many, many hours of editing and shaping. But we cannot do the creating. You - as the speaker - must do the creating - or it won't be yours. If you want to do something transformative - there are no shortcuts. If you want it to matter - there are no shortcuts. If you want to feel really proud of what you're doing at the end of the day, and allow the evolution of what you're doing to live its full life - there are not shortcuts.