This Moved Me

053: Mini Moved Me - On Telling a Specific Story



Stories are the birthplace of empathy, so it’s essential for us as speakers to wrestle with them, and do our best to master the art of storytelling. And many new speakers tell us ABOUT their story rather than actually tell us a story. It’s the difference between, “I really like ice cream, so went to the story to get some” – and “Last Wednesday it was so hot and humid that I a sudden wave of longing came over me for the wonderful min-chocolate-chip ice cream from the local ice cream shop down the street. So, I hopped on my bike and rode the two blocks to the store. I walked in – heard the lovely ding of the door, signaling a new customer – and said to the lady behind the counter, “Please tell me you have some Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream left!”   The specificity of a particular moment is what draws us in and makes it matter.