This Moved Me

016: Andy Zimney - On Intentionality and Performance



Andy Zimney - performer, improviser, speaker (and, my husband!). He is smart and funny (and tall and cute and he cooks/irons/mends things - I know, I know) - AND helpful! You see, he agreed to be my "guinea interview" several months back - but I found Andy's comments so insightful that I decided to share. (I mean, who knew that someone I've spent the last 20 years with would still intrigue me!) Please forgive the poor sound quality, as I was just getting things figured out! I hope you find it worthwhile nonetheless, because Andy's alter-ego to improv and performance is as a facilitator on organizational development–a unique pairing that brings to light some important ideas that we skimmed the surface of. (Hence the "Part One" - more to come in Part Two!)