Nancy At Noon

How to Increase Your Energy & Decrease Fatigue Using Color



Toni is a healthy woman in her 40’s who is constantly exhausted. She wants to know how to have more energy so she can do the fun things in life that she doesn’t do anymore because of always being tired. Exhaustion is rapidly becoming a growing complaint among women of all ages. Today’s women work longer hours for less pay and still do most of the housework. Understanding how to use color can dramatically increase your energy levels giving you more time for fun.   In this episode I explain the body’s energy system, called chakras, and how you can use colors to bring your energy system back into balance. When your system is back in balance, you have more energy, higher self-esteem and a positive attitude, and overall better health and emotional/mental outlook on life. I provide several simple and affordable tips on how to use color in your life to raise your self-confidence, alleviate depression and increase your energy levels. Nancy Murdoch is an artist, author of 3 books and a licensed HeartMath coach. IF YOU