Nancy At Noon

12 How Organizing Your Closet Can Bring Balance to Your Whole Life



My guest, Alison Kero is a clutter clearing expert and a professional organizer and she says you can bring your whole life into balance just by organizing your closet. Alison is going to share with us her no-fail system that she applies to organize every area of her life. And she’s got some great tips for us to maintain the organization we’ve already got going on in our home and our life. Also, it helps to know where your life is out of balance. So I’m going to talk about personal balance meter everyone can implement in their lives. You can reach Alison at and visit her website and blog for more tips at I want to hear from you. Please send me your comments and any questions you have. Send to nancy@nancyat and please visit my website at for blog articles, tips and personal and private email consultation services. If you feel stuck in the areas of love, life or relationships, let's start a conversation to get you unstuck. Nancy Murdoch is an artist,