7 Min Marketing With Pam Didner

179 - SOLO: 3 B2B Marketing Takeaways From Screenplay Writing Books



Welcome to another episode of B2B Marketing & More! I’ve been reading many books about writing screenplays lately because there are many talks about bringing storytelling into content marketing. I thought I might also go to the sources and dig in on how to write a screenplay and how to tell stories effectively. The three books I was reading are: Story by Robert McKee, Screenplay Writing 434 from Lew Hunger, and Save the Cat from Blake Snyder. In this episode: Content must have a good sense of what it’s about and who it’s for The importance of structure Know your characters, and dig deep into your character development How screenplay writing relates to B2B marketing writing? How to apply screenplay structure to B2B Marketing? What is the best way for marketers to focus on what they want to say and how to say it? What can screenplays teach us about creating a customer journey? How to create a one-liner to express the essence of your brand? Quotes from the episode: “Another thing I’ve discovered is that ev