7 Min Marketing With Pam Didner

158 - ft. Lindsay Baggett: Field Marketing Plan and Framework Explained



Welcome to another episode of B2B Marketing & More. My guest is Lindsay Baggett, a Senior Field Marketing Manager at Couchbase. Couchbase is a NoSQL database platform that works on creating the next generation of database platform. Lindsay has been doing field marketing for over ten years, and today she will share more about what field marketing is and tips for creating a good field marketing plan. In this episode: What is field marketing? How is field marketing different from account-based marketing, sales enablement or sales operations? What are some of the planning elements that should be incorporated when creating a field marketing plan? What makes field marketing different from the corporate marketing plan? Are they the same? Why are they different? Get familiar with some new terminology such as "green field" and "white space". The biggest drawback in terms of field marketing, especially in trends of scalability? Who should be included in a field marketing process? The top challenges of a field mark