7 Min Marketing With Pam Didner

151 - ft. Geoff Atkinson - Fix Your SEO with a Different Approach



Hey, big hello from Portland, Oregon. Welcome to another episode of B2B Marketing & More. I have a very special guest today Geoff Atkinson, and he's going to talk about SEO and a little bit of analytics. Geoff is a former Senior Vice President of Marketing for Overstock.com, with a lot of B2C experience. Now he is the B2B world, founder and CEO of a software company called Huckabuy. His company handles SEO's technical side for their clients, such as Salesforce and SAP and many big enterprise customers. In this episode: Where do companies or digital marketers fall short in SEO in general? Which better - to have an SEO manager in-house or as an outsource? What can businesses do to fix and improve their SEO? What is Google's intent for search and why it's an essential part of the digital marketing strategy? Learn more about Geoff's company Huckabuy, and what makes their approach to SEO different. What are some of the biggest SEO issues and suggestions on where and how to start resolving them? Definition of: