7 Min Marketing With Pam Didner

101 - The Process of Creating a Messaging Framework



Messaging and positioning are the most under-rated tasks in marketing. Worse, crafting messaging is just not as much fun as creative development, story-telling, or content creation. I know.  Yet, messaging is a crucial and vital foundation for external communications and internal sales training. What is a Messaging Framework?  A messaging framework is a logical and structured representation of your products’ and services’ unique promises and differentiation. It’s an essential document to guide creation of creative briefs, content, and sales training.   So, if messaging is done right, it provides strategic guidance and consistency to PR, external marketing communications, sales, and can even be used for internal sales and employee training.  As boring as it may sound, I absolutely LOVE creating messaging frameworks for clients! How to Create a Messaging Framework Here are the steps you can take to create a solid messaging framework. Step 1: Engage with your product team  You need to engage your product team an