7 Min Marketing With Pam Didner

82 - Qualified Leads: Reduce Tension between Sales and Marketing



Someone filled out a question card at my workshop without leaving a name, but I like the question: “How to Reduce the tension between sales and marketing over timely follow up to qualified leads?” Whoever wrote the question, I just want to let you know that it’s a common issue across industries and companies. You are not alone. Marketing works hard to get leads, but sales says that the leads can’t be converted or are not ready to act on. Sometimes, they don’t even follow up… I get it. I think there are three ways to address this issue: Agree on actionable MQL definitions Focus on quality of leads, not quantity Establish a Service Level Agreement (SLA)  Agree on Actionable MQL Definition I am using myself as an example here.  I do a lot of research for my clients on messaging framework, SWOT analysis, persona creation, and content writing. So I download white papers, trends and reports from many websites. After downloading certain types of content, I’d get an email or a call from that company’s salesperson t