7 Min Marketing With Pam Didner

32 - The Relationship Between Lead Definition and Your Website



If you ask sales people “what they need from their marketing team?”, 10 out of 10 will say that they need more high-quality leads. But what is a high-quality lead? Or what is a marketing qualified lead (MQL)The definition varies from company to company and from industry to industry. I had a chance to talk to, William Wickey, Head of Content and Media Strategy at Lead Genius, who relayed how their marketing and sales teams agreed on the different stages of leads so that there is no debate on how to move leads further down the funnel. You can see the complete table on the transcript. I will talk about Pre-qualified leads, MQLs, Sales Accepted leads and prospects. Sales Accepted lead is very similar to Sales Qualified lead that we are all aware of. Lead Category Definition   Pre-Qualified Lead Inbound and outbound leads that fit the Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL) Pre-qualified + requests demo (He calls them “hand-raisers.”)   Sales Accepted Lead MQL criteria i