7 Min Marketing With Pam Didner

26 - How To Find the Topic for Your Next Book



One listener, Lisa, knows that I am writing my second book. She posed a question, “how did you come up with the subject and title of your book?” Well, it’s hard. In the US, more than 90,000 books get published every year. Chances are whatever I want to say is likely to be said already. There is truly nothing new under the sun. However, don’t let that discourage you from writing about your topic. It is all about how people relate to their readers. When I think about Lisa’s question, I find that selecting a title is not much different than creating a marketing message. Your message needs to identify the unique differentiation of your products. At the same time, it needs to be relevant enough to your customers, so they can get ideas on how to address their pain points or solve their challenges. When I select a book title, I follow that same thinking process. I try to identify a topic that is unique to my own experience and knowledge and, at the same time, is relevant to a specific segment of marketers. Coming up