7 Min Marketing With Pam Didner

25 - How Do I Conduct a Content Audit?



A friend, Erick, was tasked to conduct a content audit and asked me if I have a template that he can use. I sure do. In general, content audits are conducted for three reasons: Some audits just have a grasp of what content is out there and share that with the whole team so that everyone has a holistic view. People who are responsible for outreach can pick and choose what to share. In a way, you create a master list content. In this situation, you may only need top 50 most popular content pieces or the most recent content in the past one year.  It's time to redesign the website. You need to have a comprehensive view of content to determine which one to keep and which one to toss. You can also need to know what additional content which needs to be created. Some clients want to understand if it's possible to map existing content to different purchase journeys, then determine if there is any content gap in each stage. The audit result will guide the future editorial planning. In this case, you map content based