7 Min Marketing With Pam Didner

23 - What is Sales Enablement?



Every week, I’ll pick one marketing question and attempt to address it with actionable takeaways. So send me your questions. I want to help you take on your marketing challenges. At my last episode, I shared the exciting news that I started writing my 2nd book. The book is going to examine sales enablement and I explained why I picked this topic. My friend Amy asked me what sales enablement is, anyway? Like everyone else, I turned to Google for answer. There are only 2 million results, but I like this one: CSO Insights, a research company specializing in sales research, articulated a definition that is widely recognized and accepted in the sales enablement field:  “A strategic, cross-functional discipline designed to increase sales results and productivity by providing integrated content, training, and coaching services for salespeople and frontline sales managers along the entire customer’s journey, powered by technology.” This definition centers on providing essential technology-based training, onboarding a