7 Min Marketing With Pam Didner

22 - My New Year's Resolutions



Happy New Year! Can you believe it? It's 2018. I don't know about you, but I have this love-and-hate relationship with New Year's resolutions. Here is the "hate" part: New Year's resolutions frustrate me because I have what I like to call a "one-month curse" that I can't break. I spent a couple thousand dollars buying a treadmill once. I used it for about a month, and now that treadmill just sits in our bedroom collecting dust. I pass by it every day and tell myself that I need to get on it, but I always end up doing something else instead, like eating… I bought an expensive and beautiful diary with the intention of writing every day, but again, that one-month curse. That expensive and beautiful diary is situated nicely right next to my monitor. I see it every day, but I end up doing something else instead of writing, like binge-watching TV! Just I've just finished watching the first season of the Orville by Seth McFarlane, the creator of Family Guy. I don't like his humor very much, but I have a huge respe