7 Min Marketing With Pam Didner

14 - Situational Fluency



Today, I want to do something different! I want to share a term I’ve learned, it’s called situational fluency. That’s right, situational fluency. Recently, I read a book about Collaborative Sales by Keith Eades and Tim Sullivan. With pretty much almost all human knowledge on the Internet and at our finger tips, buyers know more about us than we do ourselves. They talk to everyone, except sellers, to get ins and outs about sellers’ companies, products and services. For big ticket purchases on B2B, buyers do their homework! More than 50% of buyers contact sellers when they are half way through the purchasing cycle. With that being said, sales can’t just follow structured scripts and rote steps. You still need training, sales scripts and sales methodology when you sell technologies or complicated products. That’s still very important. What’s changed dramatically is that you need to improvise based on what you know about buyers and what buyers know about you. BTW, buyers know a lot about you. Rather than sellin