Wise Traditions

318: The Sherlock Holmes of Health



There are still people on the earth in perfect health--who don't know what a headache is, who don’t experience insomnia, period pain, depression, or anxiety. Dr. Mary Ruddick is traveling the globe to find them and learn from their traditional health ways, to see how we might apply the protective mechanisms to our own health. Today, she tells stories related to her travels throughout Africa, the Blue Zones, and remote regions of the world. She discusses her observations, both from traditions kept and others, lost. She also tells her own health journey and how the work of WAPF and the GAPS diet helped her recover after years of being bedridden. Finally she tells us about a project she is putting into place to help children stick close to their ancestral diets. Visit her website: enableyourhealing.com & cows4kids.com Sign up for the Lunch Leader Training Academy Rate and review our podcast Check out our sponsors: Redmond Real Salt and Paleo Valley